Leave of absence requests

What do I do if my child needs time off school?

Schools are no longer able to grant permission for holidays or time off in term time. If you feel that there is an exceptional reason why your child needs time off school then you need to:

  • Ask the school office for a “Request for Exceptional Leave Form” or download a form here. Complete this, giving the reason why the request is exceptional, in as much detail as possible.
  • Hand the request form in to the office at least 2 weeks before you need time off.

You will receive a written reply stating whether or not the absence will be authorised.


A copy of our attendance policy can be found here.

For information regarding school attendance and the law click here for a copy of Derbyshire County Council's leaflet

Leave of absence requests

What do I do if my child needs time off school?

Schools are no longer able to grant permission for holidays or time off in term time. If you feel that there is an exceptional reason why your child needs time off school then you need to:

  • Ask the school office for a “Request for Exceptional Leave Form” or download a form here. Complete this, giving the reason why the request is exceptional, in as much detail as possible.
  • Hand the request form in to the office at least 2 weeks before you need time off.

You will receive a written reply stating whether or not the absence will be authorised.


A copy of our attendance policy can be found here.

For information regarding school attendance and the law click here for a copy of Derbyshire County Council's leaflet