Derbyshire’s Virtual School are a statutory local authority service. The Virtual School works alongside schools and settings to ensure the best educational provision and support is provided for all the children & young people in Derbyshire’s care. The team are innovative in their practice and have a broad range of educational skills and knowledge to offer in their assistance to schools, settings and other services.
In partnership with all the professionals who get involved with looked after children, the Virtual School endeavours to improve the lives of the children and young people in Derbyshire’s care- through nurturing, empowering and inspiring them in collaboration with all their supporters.
For Further Information please contact:
Derbyshire’s Virtual School are a statutory local authority service. The Virtual School works alongside schools and settings to ensure the best educational provision and support is provided for all the children & young people in Derbyshire’s care. The team are innovative in their practice and have a broad range of educational skills and knowledge to offer in their assistance to schools, settings and other services.
In partnership with all the professionals who get involved with looked after children, the Virtual School endeavours to improve the lives of the children and young people in Derbyshire’s care- through nurturing, empowering and inspiring them in collaboration with all their supporters.
For Further Information please contact: