
As a school we aim to develop the whole child and enable our pupils to become confident, independent learners. We foster a caring and considerate attitude towards the whole school community; promoting British values and encouraging tolerance and respect for others, their beliefs and cultures. We aim to teach a broad and balanced curriculum which meets the needs of our children, equips them with the necessary skills to succeed in the next phase of their education and prepares them for life in modern Britain.


Our curriculum:

  • Is broad, balanced and fit for purpose
  • Includes opportunities for first hand experiences and enrichment
  • Promotes resilience
  • Develops cultural and religious understanding
  • Embraces opportunities for outdoor learning
  • Has a strong emphasis on personal, social, health and emotional development
  • Develops vocabulary, language & communication
  • Builds upon key skills in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening and Mathematics
  • Promotes questioning
  • Is designed to ignite children’s imagination 


Our approach:

We have a creative and thematic approach, which includes a range of foundation subjects, based on the 2014 National Curriculum.   At the beginning of each new topic children are asked to write down questions about what they want to learn. Teachers then use these to create a detailed plan for each topic. One topic each year is also child directed (where the children select a topic they would like to learn about).

We follow the Derbyshire agreed syllabus for Religious Education.

The curriculum is delivered through a range of quality first teaching and learning strategies, we use quality texts to stimulate the children's interest and help broaden the children's vocabulary in addition to new and exciting first-hand experiences. This is to ensure that children are engaged in and enjoy the learning experience.

Children are actively encouraged to:

  • explore and question
  • experiment and make predictions
  • research and use information
  • deepen their understanding
  • problem-solve


Curriculum maps can be viewed here 

Information about our EYFS curriculum intent, impact and implementation can be found here

How our EYFS curriculum links to KS1 can be viewed here
