Ripley Infant School

Growing and Learning Together

Who’s who

Staff Organisation 2024-25



Mrs P Doleman 


Deputy Head:    

Mr G Taylor

Mrs K Ottewell (0.2 - Inclusion)



Mrs K Ottewell


EYFS Team:                        

Mr G Taylor

Miss K Saunders

Mrs J Gent, Mrs M Beighton  (Teaching & Learning Assistants)


Key Stage 1 Leader:

Mrs L Palmieri-Kaye (Specialist leader of Education)


Year 1 Team:                      

Mrs K Riley

Mrs E Pywell 

Mrs F Clayton & Mrs M Dye (Teaching & Learning Assistants)


Year 2 Team:                      

Miss P Boddy

Mrs K Ottewell

Mrs J Key

Mrs K North & Mrs T Williams (Teaching & Learning Assistants)


PPA Cover & Forest School Lead:             

Miss K Salt (HLTA)


Sports Coach:

Mrs R Start (Amber Valley School Sports Partnership)


Pupil Support:        

Mrs S Woodall - School based SENTA & SENCo Assistant

Mrs K North - Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)

Mrs N Coope - 1:1 TA

Mrs S Gibson - 1:1 TA

Mrs S Martin - 1:1 TA

Mrs H Sutton - 1:1 TA


Child and Family Support Worker:

Mrs Jodi Burton


Admin staff:            

Mrs T McCourt – School Business Officer

Mrs A Richardson - School Business Assistant


Mid-day Staff:        

Mrs A Marriott – Senior Mid-day Supervisor

Ms G Hancock - Play leader

Mrs F Clayton – Play leader (Wed - Fri)

Mrs H Hartley

Mrs K Horton 

Miss L Joynes

Mrs T Watson