Ethos & Values

Ripley Infant School’s
Vision for learning

As a school we aim to develop the whole child and enable our pupils to become confident, independent learners. We aim to foster a caring and considerate attitude towards the whole school community; promoting British values and encouraging tolerance and respect for others, their beliefs and cultures

Our ethos of building effective relationships underpins the approach to teaching and learning with attachment and relationship approaches  ensuring each classroom is a warm and welcoming environment in which to learn.


Our vision for learning encompasses 6 key themes which run through all of our teaching. These are:


Achievement - through the provision of opportunities for children to become confident, independent learners who are able to reach their full potential.

Safe - working with parents and the wider community to promote a kind and caring environment where children feel secure.

Passion - igniting an enthusiasm for life-long learning

Individuality - promoting respect, acknowledging difference and diversity and supporting children to understand the range of beliefs and cultures reflected in British society.

Resilience – developing children’s ability to manage and control their emotions and be willing to try again when facing challenges.

Exploration – nurture an enjoyment of learning through a creative, diverse, inclusive curriculum and range of first hand experiences.