Welcome to Ravens Class!
Our class teacher is Mrs Pywell.
Our class teaching assistants are Mrs Beighton (Mon-Tues) and Mrs Dye (Wed-Fri).
In year one Ravens work towards the school ‘Aspire’ values.
In the morning we complete Phonics, Maths and English using engaging tasks, activities and challenges.
Our P.E days are every Tuesday and Wednesday with coaching from our AVSSP coach Mrs Start.
In the afternoon we learn about our topics through a range of activities as well as RE, PSHE, Music, Handwriting, PE, History, Geography and Computing.
Each half term we introduce a new topic and use continuous provision themed around this topic to extend the children’s learning.
Our topics for this year are:
Me, Myself and I
Once Upon a Time
To Boldly Go...
Animal Kingdom
Ready, Steady Grow
Under the Sea
Homework is set every Friday for Phonics. This needs to be completed and uploaded to Tapestry by the following Tuesday. There is also a creative piece of homework based around each term’s topic. All entries receive a small prize!
Reading continues to be a priority in school. Children will read as part of a focused group 3 times a week. They also need to read at home 3 times a week. Regular reading is rewarded with a free book when children complete their book worm loyalty card.
Our class mascot is ‘Roger’ the Raven. Roger will choose a child every Friday to go home with for the weekend. He has his own book of adventures for you to record what he does when he stays with your child. Please ensure he is carefully looked after and comes back to class on Monday.
If you have any questions, queries or concerns please speak to one of the team on the door or contact the school office.