Our class teacher is Miss Boddy and our teaching assistant is Mrs Williams.
In Starlings, we follow our ASPIRE values – achievement, safe, passion, individuality and exploration.
In the mornings, we have phonics, English and Maths and in the afternoons we learn about our topic for the term through geography, music, science, PE, art, history and computing.
Our topics this year are:
Mrs Start is our school sports coach and she teaches us PE on Wednesday morning. Miss Boddy also teaches us PE on a Monday afternoon. Children can come into school with correct PE uniform – white / blue top and dark bottoms e.g. shorts / joggers. Children with glasses will need to wear them with a strap if they cannot be removed and jewellery must be removed / earrings taped up.
Each week we will upload your child’s phonics homework card to Tapestry so you know what they have been learning.
We would appreciate if you could hear your child read at home during the week too as this will help with their fluency and understanding of the books they read. We know life can be busy and reading may not be a priority but reading is a life skill your child will need throughout their life. If your child reads 3 times a week they will receive a hole punch in their loyalty card. Once their card is complete, they will be able to choose a book from our Bookworm loyalty prize box.
Every term we will set topic homework for your child to complete. It may be in the form of a model, picture or a piece of writing. Children will then vote anonymously for their favourite and children with the most votes will receive a prize. Children who have entered will also receive a small prize too. We love seeing what children come up with and we always get some very creative pieces of work!
We are grateful for all the support and work you do with your child at home. If you have any concerns about helping your child at home please speak to Miss Boddy before or after school.
An important member of our class is Spotty the Starling. He goes home with a child every Friday who has been working hard and trying their best in class. He has his own little book of adventures to record his weekend in and we share these in class. You can also upload any photos or writing onto Tapestry that we can share. The other children love finding out what he gets up to! :)
We can’t wait for an exciting year with your children!
Miss Boddy