Miss Boddy is our English Co-ordinator.
At Ripley Infant we believe that writing should be a creative/developmental process both at a functional and an imaginative level. All attempts at writing are valued and we know that all children have potential to be successful writers.
We aim to provide experiences and learning which will enable children to:
At Ripley Infant School, writing is taught through the use of a quality text which exposes children to inference, high-level vocabulary, a range of punctuation and opportunities for description and discussions. Each text is carefully and purposefully selected in order to promote a love of reading, engage and high quality writing from each child.
In KS1, teachers will create a model text (where appropriate) of the text to allow a focus point for different grammar, punctuation and spelling objectives children need to know in their year group. Each block of writing is different and can vary from one week to three weeks, depending on the text and genre. We cover a range of genres in KS1 and children produce different types of writing e.g. booklets, brochures, posters, books and fold out books.
Our writing Flow chart can be viewed here
Our writing progression document can be accessed here
Our long term plans for writing can be found here: Reception, Year 1, Year 2
Our genre checklist can be viewed here
At Ripley Infant School, one of our aims is to teach our children in Y2 to reflect on their work and become better ‘editors’ of their writing. This takes place in two ways: editing lessons and editing stations. In term 2, children will be introduced to editing lessons and editing stations where they will focus on a different editing skills, such as up levelling vocabulary choice or ensuring punctuation used is correct. One editing station will be led
by the teacher to support children and give feedback. We encourage children to always think of ways to improve their writing and to always take pride in their work. Children in Y2 will follow marking codes and will be explicitly taught how to edit their work and use the editing stations.
In EYFS, children will be encouraged to read their writing to an adult after a group led session and discuss their work. They will be encouraged to check their work.
In Y1, children are encouraged to re-read through their work before showing an adult and to think of ways to improve this. Any editing can be done in purple pen so it is clear children have made revisions to their work.
Our Revising and Editing overview can be viewed here
Our Editing codes can be viewed here
Speaking & Listening
Speaking and listening are the foundations to English. We understand the importance of ‘talk’ at Ripley Infant School as this can support children to build their confidence, communicate effectively and create a range of ideas. Drama is often used as a tool to develop listening and communication skills as well as provide a stimulus for writing activities.
Our Speaking and Listening overview can be viewed here
Handwriting is explicitly taught twice a week and in Y2 this is three times a week. Children need to be confident when handwriting so they can focus on the content and structure of their writing. Pupils are given support with their fine motor development to aid their handwriting skills if required by following Active Hands.
We follow Letterjoin and children practise writing in their handwriting books in KS1. In EYFS, children will practise in the environment and on whiteboards during an explicitly taught lesson. Children in Y1 are taught how to form letters using a lead in and in Y2, children begin to join after recapping all previously taught letters.
Children can access Letterjoin at home using the following log in details:
Username: wk4979
Password: home (website)
Password: Swipecode is an L shape (tablet)
Spelling & Grammar
Spelling is a complex skill and we aim to support children in using their phonics knowledge to spell common patterned words as well as effect strategies to spell irregular and high frequency words correctly.
In Y1, children follow the National Curriculum and are taught different spelling rules every term, this is alongside graphemes during phonics lessons.
In Y2, children follow No Nonsense Spelling programme and are taught this from September. Children are taught different strategies to support them in their own writing and children are encouraged to use their spelling journals when writing independently.
Our spelling overview for Y2 can be viewed here
Grammar is taught explicitly in KS1 and children learn the correct vocabulary alongside activities to practise and refine their knowledge and skills. Grammar is taught as a starter in Y1 and in Y2, it is embedded into English lessons. Children will record this in their SPaG books.
To find out more about our approach to reading and phonics click here to go the the Reading and Phonics page
Our Reading Progression document can be accessed here